Ten Things That Will Change Your Life Forever When You Travel Overseas
Moving to a foreign country and getting a Naturalisation as a British Citizen- starting anew is one of the most frightening yet exhilarating experiences anyone has ever had. The way you live will change – and we're not just talking about addresses and laundry detergent.
It is said that "home is where the heart is."
When you have a Registration as a British Citizen, you will become a member of an exclusive club: your wallet will contain two addresses, two languages, and two currencies. We won't go so far as to suggest you'll have two identities, but you'll still be a part of two worlds: your old and new homes. The lines between the two realms will probably fade with time, but there will almost always be mail delivered to your parents' house or boxes kept in a friend's basement.
Care packages take on a new meaning.
And though we can buy almost anything online these days, receiving a care package (a box of goodies from home) on your birthday is preferable to having perfect hair. Naturally, everything in that box can taste a billion times better than food that hasn't crossed the globe. You'll also need to decide on a care-package plan at this point: You can either eat everything all at once and leave no trace, or you can become a master rationer who does miracles with expiration dates to extend the life of all.
Saying good-bye becomes less difficult (sort of)
Even though few people are good at putting the good back into goodbye, it does get easier with practise. Maybe it's because you know that no matter where you go, you'll be able to return home and curl up on a familiar-smelling sofa. Perhaps you've already discovered a way to temporarily turn off all internal organs, and you understand that there's always a hello after a goodbye.
Friendships get more intense
It's difficult to move away from someone you care for and put a big body of water or ground between you and them. You'll soon figure out who goes out of their way to keep in touch or who takes advantage of their sick days to visit. Some will keep their distance, while others will draw near. It's essentially a sentimentalism version of sorting through your clothing to see what you want to keep and what you've outgrown.